by Jill Tietjen | Apr 10, 2010 | In The News, Kalon Women Magazine
Do you have new and creative ideas you wish to develop as a business? Or are you already a business entrepreneur? Then you are following in
the footsteps of many women before you who both developed new business concepts and contributed significantly to the strength of American businesses throughout U.S. history. In this month’s column, we’ll acquaint you with some of the women entrepreneurs who changed the “Her Story” of business in our country.
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by Jill Tietjen | Apr 1, 2010 | In The News, Newsletters
A Look at Women Then And Now. The month of April brings a serious task to most Americans: organizing, compiling and completing the forms that identify our federal and state tax obligations. As you prepare your tax forms, think back to women in the 1800s and before, who had no money of their own and weren’t allowed to even inherit money or property from their husbands. In fact, at the time of the 1848 Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, married women WERE their husband’s property!
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