June 2023 Newsletter – Legacies
So far in 2023, we have lost three of the women featured in our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America: Marianne Mantell, Patricia Schroeder, and Tina Turner.
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So far in 2023, we have lost three of the women featured in our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America: Marianne Mantell, Patricia Schroeder, and Tina Turner.
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The first Mother’s Day was celebrated on May 9, 1914 as proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson. He asked Americans to say a “Thank you” to their mother and to all mothers.
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In 2021, Deb Haaland, of the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico, became the first Native American Secretary of the Interior.
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In this month’s ENewsletter we profile two women featured in our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America who played important roles in getting it to publication – both separately and together: Madeleine Albright, who wrote the foreword, and Steffie Allen, who arranged for Madeleine Albright to write the foreword.
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In this month’s ENewsletter we profile two women featured in our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America who died in 2022: Angela Lansbury and Barbara Walters.
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