Publishers – August 2020 ENewsletter
As of July 2020, Simon & Shuster has a female publisher: Dana Canedy. Upon her appointment, Canedy became the first African American to lead a major publishing imprint.
As of July 2020, Simon & Shuster has a female publisher: Dana Canedy. Upon her appointment, Canedy became the first African American to lead a major publishing imprint.
Independence Day – the Fourth of July – will be here in a blink of an eye. We will fly our nation’s flag proudly as we remember the Revolutionary War days and our independence from Great Britain.
During the 2020 pandemic, many people have been able to work from home. This radical change in our working environments has been possible because technology and video conference software is readily available and easy to use – and the spectrum exists to support it.
Because of COVID-19, the times we are in today evoke comparisons to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
As all of us around the world focus on keeping ourselves healthy and not overwhelming the healthcare system, we remember two women whose pioneering efforts helped in earlier health crises: Gladys Dick and Florence Seibert.
Click here to read the newsletter.
Simone Biles, who will be competing in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, is the most decorated athlete in the history of gymnastics’ world championships.
Click here to read the enewsletter.