Robotics – April 2018 ENewsletter

One area of technological focus in the twenty-first century is using robots to do work that is either tedious for, or dangerous to humans. Like every other field of endeavor, women are involved in developing, refining, and improving robots. In this month’s enewsletter we feature two female roboticists: Ayanna Howard and Helen Greiner.

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January 2018 ENewsletter – Household Inventors

A series of exhibits on inventors and discoverers was recently put together for Google Arts and Culture.  These exhibits featured women inventors and discoverers in medicine, science, engineering, health and beauty, and the household.  In this month’s ENewsletter we feature two of the women who were included in the household inventors and discoverers exhibit:  Sarah Goode and Josephine Cochran.  Let’s learn about these two innovative women.

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December 2017 ENewsletter – Poet Laureates

Tracy K. Smith, the new poet laureate of the U.S., assumed her one-year term of office in September 2017.  She stands on the shoulders of other women who have filled that office and the predecessor office.  These women include Gwendolyn Brooks who served as Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1985-1986 and Rita Dove who served as Poet Laureate from 1993-1995 and later also served as a Special Bicentennial Consultant.  Let’s learn more about Gwendolyn Brooks and Rita Dove.

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