Girl Scouts of the USA – Inspiring Women Timeline – August 2012 Newsletter

Check out! Girl Scouts of the USA, in cooperation with the authors of Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America, has posted the initial entries into their Inspiring Women Timeline. Many of the women featured are profiled in our book, starts in 1587, and profiles amazing women of the 21st century. Here is just a sample.

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Civil War Personalities- June 2012 Newsletter

When we learn about the Civil War in school, the focus is always on the battles and the famous and infamous battlegrounds. There are also stories about the Generals (both Union and Confederate) and their battle strategies. We don’t learn about some of the fascinating women whose contributions were important during that very difficult time in our country’s history. In this month’s newsletter, we provide you some tidbits about Mary Edwards Walker, Sally Tompkins, Pauline Cushman, and Belle Boyd.

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