Girl Scouts Turn 100 – March 2012 Newsletter

March 12, 2012 is a special day for many women in the United States and around the world – it marks the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting! In 1911, Juliette Gordon Low was searching for something useful to do with her life. She was in England and met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movement. On March 12, 1912, from her home in Savannah, Georgia, Juliette (whose nickname was Daisy) made her historic phone call to a friend who was a distant cousin and said “I’ve got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we’re going to start it tonight!” Eighteen girls formed that first troop including Margaret “Daisy Doots” Gordon, her niece and namesake, who was the first registered member.

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Music is Love in Search of a Word – February 2012 Newsletter

During February of each year, we celebrate Black History Month. We also celebrate the special holiday of Valentine’s Day, when we honor the people we love. Some writers have characterized “music” as love in search of a word. Linking music with Black History month in this month’s enewsletter, we feature African-American women in the music field – singer Ella Fitzgerald, composer Florence Beatrice Smith Price, and pianist Hazel Harrison.

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Tribal Leaders – December 2011 Newsletter

Native American women have left an important legacy of being strong leaders. When writing our book, we strived to find evidence of the early Native American women, to tell their stories. Sadly, many of their names have been lost to history; much of early Native American culture was an oral tradition. In this edition of our newsletter, we are proud to profile Nancy Ward, Sarah Winnemucca, Annie Dodge Wauneka, and Wilma Mankiller. These leaders literally fought in battle, fought for the rights of their people, and worked to make lives better for all.


Thanksgiving is Coming – November 2011 Newsletter

During the month of November comes that veritable feast – a time to celebrate our blessings with family and friends. In this month’s newsletter, we highlight two women from our bestselling book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America who made it possible for us to be confident about the storage conditions for the poultry that we eat and for making recipes that we can reproduce many times.

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