Women in the Military – June 2010 Newsletter

In our newsletter this month, we want to identify and celebrate some of the many women who have military connections. For June, of course, comes right after our celebration of Memorial Day on the very last day of May. The holiday honors citizens who have served in our military, many of whom have died while in service to our country’ liberty.

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A Look at Women Then And Now – April 2010 Newsletter

A Look at Women Then And Now. The month of April brings a serious task to most Americans: organizing, compiling and completing the forms that identify our federal and state tax obligations. As you prepare your tax forms, think back to women in the 1800s and before, who had no money of their own and weren’t allowed to even inherit money or property from their husbands. In fact, at the time of the 1848 Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, married women WERE their husband’s property!

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Educational Resources – February 2010 Newsletter

We are pleased to announce the availability of a number of varied education resources on our web site. We have designed and developed these FREE resources to encourage more interactivity with our book. What better way to get to know some of the 850 plus women in the book, than to give a slide show on their lives, do some fun flash card checking and expand your knowledge of these wonderful women?

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Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame 2010 Inductees – December 2009 Newsletter

Choosing a topic for this month’s newsletter was not a struggle at all! For, in a season of joy, we have two joyous occasions to celebrate. First, we are pleased to announce that once again, for the fifth time Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America made the non-fiction best seller list! Thanks to all of you for making this happen. Keep buying our book; you do know it makes a GREAT holiday gift, don’t you?

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