Scientific Legacies – September 2020 ENewsletter
Two scientific pioneers have died within recent months – physicist Betsy Ancker-Johnson and molecular biologist Flossie Wong-Staal. Both helped blaze the trail for the women in the sciences.
Two scientific pioneers have died within recent months – physicist Betsy Ancker-Johnson and molecular biologist Flossie Wong-Staal. Both helped blaze the trail for the women in the sciences.
August 26 is known as “Equality Day.” That is because on August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified giving women the right to vote.
As of July 2020, Simon & Shuster has a female publisher: Dana Canedy. Upon her appointment, Canedy became the first African American to lead a major publishing imprint.
The United States Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of holding virtual hearings during 2020 due to the pandemic. Justice Ginsburg even participated remotely from her hospital bed!
Independence Day – the Fourth of July – will be here in a blink of an eye. We will fly our nation’s flag proudly as we remember the Revolutionary War days and our independence from Great Britain.
Some of the economic issues that are resulting from the pandemic of 2020 evoke images from the Great Depression and the drought of that same time. The combination that resulted in Oklahoma led to it being referred to as the “Dust Bowl.” We thought a tribute to the strong women of Oklahoma was fitting.