Political Firsts – June 2018 ENewsletter

May 2018 was a month in which women achieved firsts in politics and government. Gina Haspel became the first female director of the Central Intelligence Agency, after her confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Stacey Abrams became the first African-American woman to win a major party nomination for Governor, when the Democrats in Georgia put her on their slate. Their accomplishments are significant; we cannot forget that the groundwork was laid by many other earlier women, including two profiled in this month’s enewsletter: Jeannette Rankin and Sandra Day O’Connor. Both Rankin and O’Connor have been inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

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Pioneering Women Educators – A Brief Look at Education and Women – Kalon Women Column May 2018

At the time of the landing at Jamestown, the arrival of the Pilgrims, through the Revolutionary War and into the 1800s, public education as we know it today in the United States did not exist. Although institutions of high education such as Harvard University were founded as early as 1636, these institutions did not admit women.

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Robotics – April 2018 ENewsletter

One area of technological focus in the twenty-first century is using robots to do work that is either tedious for, or dangerous to humans. Like every other field of endeavor, women are involved in developing, refining, and improving robots. In this month’s enewsletter we feature two female roboticists: Ayanna Howard and Helen Greiner.

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