September 2017 ENewsletter – Labor Advocates

The recent book, The Radium Girls, tells the story of illnesses suffered by the women who painted radium on dials in the early part of the twentieth century. It speaks of a time when few workplace regulations were in place to protect employees. Dr. Alice Hamilton is featured in the book and Frances Perkins is mentioned. Let’s learn more about the roles these women played as advocates for safe labor conditions.

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Back to School – Women College Presidents – Kalon Women Column September 2017

When September and fall arrive, students head back to school and college. Although women college presidents are more prevalent today that ever, there is still a long way to go before we reach parity. This month, we are pleased to feature Elizabeth Agassiz, M. Carey Thomas, Johnnetta B. Cole, Donna Shalala, Shirley Ann Jackson, and Drew Gilpin Faust.

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We’re All Wonder Women! – Kalon Women August 2017 Issue

The protagonist of the movie Wonder Woman fearlessly pursues her passion.  Many women on whose shoulders we all stand pursued their passions as well – passions that have provided significant benefits for society as a whole.  In this month’s column, we profile some wonder women who changed the world.  We are pleased to feature Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rosa Parks, Annie Dodge Wauneka, and Dolores Huerta.  Let’s share their stories.

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