Astronomers – January 2017 ENewsletter

The publication of The Glass Universe and the release of the movie, Hidden Figures, as well as the recent death of astronomer Vera Rubin reminds us to share the stories of three historical women astronomers.  In this ENewsletter, we learn about Maria Mitchell, Williamina Fleming and Vera Rubin.

To read the enewsletter, click here

Astronauts – December 2016 ENewsletter

Fascination with space travel has intrigued generations, probably for millennia.  More recently, every rocket launch 
and NASA mission has inspired awe.  Many of us are still enthralled by science fiction movies including the Star Wars and Star Trek episodes.  Let’s learn about some real American women astronauts:  Mae Jemison and Ellen Ochoa.  We selected these two women to profile; there have been other women astronauts with whom you may be familiar.

For  the entire enewsletter, click here