Mothers – May 2014 Newsletter

Our mothers gave birth to us, raised us, and helped launch us as adults.  What we sometimes forget is that mothers have done so much more than these very important jobs.  Mothers have fought for the rights and privileges that we enjoy as U.S. citizens today.  In honor of Mother’s Day, we profile two amazing mothers in this month’s enewsletter:  Annie Dodge Wauneka and Coretta Scott King.

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Entertainment Pioneers – March 2014 Newsletter

The recent death of Shirley Temple Black has brought many newspaper articles about her uplifting effect as a child actor.  It was maintained that with her acting, singing and dancing, she actually helped people who suffered through the Great Depression.  In this month’s enewsletter, we feature two women who were early entertainers in America:  Sissieretta Jones and Molly Picon.

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Aviation Pioneers – February 2014 Newsletter

During the months of November and December, many Americans traveled to see their family and friends – in both the U.S. and around the world. Although that travel may have been full of its own difficulties and delays, we are fortunate today to have the opportunity to fly almost anywhere in the world. We do this conveniently and in a relatively short time (you may know that the Mayflower took two months to get to America!). Two women who were aviation pioneers helped make flying possible for all of us. This month we feature Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earhart.

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