by Jill Tietjen | Jul 1, 2014 | In The News, Kalon Women Magazine
With the recent passing of Maya Angelou, we were prompted to think about the amazing legacy she left. In this
column, we focus on five truly diverse women who all share the appellation: trailblazers.
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by Jill Tietjen | Jun 3, 2014 | In The News, Radio
All Things Equal –
President of the Board of the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls Jill Tietjen explains why “her-story” is an integral element of American history.
by Jill Tietjen | Jun 1, 2014 | In The News, Newsletters
On May 7, 2014, a groundbreaking ceremony for the Center for Great Women was held by the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York, the birthplace of women’s rights and the home of the Hall. In honor of that groundbreaking, in this month’s enewsletter we feature two of the women who were discussed in a talk the night before the ceremony. That talk highlighted a few of the groundbreaking women from our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America. The two women we are pleased to feature are Frances Wisebart Jacobs and Saint Katharine Drexel. 
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by Jill Tietjen | May 18, 2014 | In The News, Publications
Her Story: A Timeline of the Women who Changed America was listed as the bestselling Nonfiction Paperback this week in the Denver Post!

by Jill Tietjen | May 1, 2014 | In The News, Newsletters
Our mothers gave birth to us, raised us, and helped launch us as adults. What we sometimes forget is that mothers have done so much more than these very important jobs. Mothers have fought for the rights and privileges that we enjoy as U.S. citizens today. In honor of Mother’s Day, we profile two amazing mothers in this month’s enewsletter: Annie Dodge Wauneka and Coretta Scott King.
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by Jill Tietjen | Apr 1, 2014 | In The News, Newsletters
On March 27, chemist Stephanie Kwolek was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Delaware Women. The Delaware Hall includes several of the women featured in our book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America. In this month’s enewsletter, we profile Emily Bissell as well as Stephanie Kwolek. 
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