Families – Kalon Women November 2012 Issue

For the theme of family this November, we wanted to draw your attention to women who have helped dress women Kalon Women Column November 2012_Page_1when they were in a “family way.”  Did you know that before the early 1900s, ‘proper’ women could not be seen in public when they were pregnant?  We are talking here about middle class and upper class women, whose clothing was made for them by private seamstresses or family servants.  Not surprisingly, there were no commercially available maternity clothes.  Working class women, who did work throughout their pregnancy, ‘made do’ with larger size clothing or men’s overshirts topping their regular skirts and tops.

Early in the twentieth century, Lena Bryant set out to change that situation.  Later, Rebecca Mathais would ensure that pregnant professional women had suitable business attire to wear to work. We know you will enjoy reading about their stories.

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Women Golfers – October 2012 Newsletter

Momentous news occurred in August 2012, when the Augusta National Golf Club FINALLY admitted women. This October 2012 ENewsletter as published_Page_1news, while clearly important to the golf community, has reverberations for many other associations, organizations and clubs where women still do not have a sanctioned presence. While Augusta is albeit a belated event, we still must stop to celebrate Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state, and Darla Moore, a South Carolina business executive, who as Augusta’s newest members, help to pave the way for women in the 21st century! We decided to profile some historical women golfers to commemorate this occasion: Margaret Abbott, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, and Amy Alcott.

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Halloween – Not So Scary Anymore – Kalon Women October 2012 Issue

Kalon Women October 2012_Page_1With the month of October, out thoughts turn to scary costumes and haunted houses, as we celebrate Halloween. Fortunately, we do not need to also be worried about quite a number of scary illnesses and diseases. For this, we can thank the efforts of women scientists and women physicians who have helped to make out world a much healthier and safer place.

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