Women Who Network Change The World – Kalon Women September 2012 Issue

As we think about women and their friendships during the month of September, we are drawn to the thought that Kalon Women September 2012 - Networking_Page_1women change the world through their networks of friends and acquaintances. Five women who changed the world met in Waterloo, New York and decided to hold the first Women’s Right Convention. As a result of that convention (held in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19-20, 1848 at the Wesleyan Chapel), and many years of effort by them and by others, today women have the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to an education, and the right to custody of the children in the case of a divorce.

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Girl Scouts of the USA – Inspiring Women Timeline – August 2012 Newsletter

Check out http://inspire.girlscouts.org/! Girl Scouts of the USA, in cooperation with the authors of Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America, has posted the initial entries into their Inspiring Women Timeline. Many of the women featured are profiled in our book, starts in 1587, and profiles amazing women of the 21st century. Here is just a sample.

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Leaving a Legacy – Kalon Women August 2012 Issue

As we go about our daily lives, not many of us think about the rights and priveledges that we enjoy as American women of the 21st century. Legal rights did not exist for women when colonists first come over from Europe countries in face, at that time, women existed in a condition referred to as “civildeath”. By July 1848 when the first women’s rights conventions was held in Seneca Falls, New York (today the home of the National Women’s Hall of Fame), women could not vote, married women could not own property, women didn’t have access to education, and women could not be awarded custody of their children in the case of divorce.

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