by Jill Tietjen | Oct 21, 2012 | In The News, Publications
“Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America” by Charlotte Waisman and Jill Tietjen is #5 on the
Local Best Seller list for Nonfiction by The Denver Post this week!
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by Jill Tietjen | Oct 1, 2012 | In The News, Newsletters
Momentous news occurred in August 2012, when the Augusta National Golf Club FINALLY admitted women. This
news, while clearly important to the golf community, has reverberations for many other associations, organizations and clubs where women still do not have a sanctioned presence. While Augusta is albeit a belated event, we still must stop to celebrate Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state, and Darla Moore, a South Carolina business executive, who as Augusta’s newest members, help to pave the way for women in the 21st century! We decided to profile some historical women golfers to commemorate this occasion: Margaret Abbott, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, and Amy Alcott.
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by Jill Tietjen | Oct 1, 2012 | In The News, Kalon Women Magazine
With the month of October, out thoughts turn to scary costumes and haunted houses, as we celebrate Halloween. Fortunately, we do not need to also be worried about quite a number of scary illnesses and diseases. For this, we can thank the efforts of women scientists and women physicians who have helped to make out world a much healthier and safer place.
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by Jill Tietjen | Sep 1, 2012 | In The News, Newsletters
With the recent passing of Elinor Ostrom, the first women to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics, we decided to highlight female Nobel Laureates this month. In addition to Elinor Ostrom, we feature Toni Morrison, Rosalyn Yalow, and Jody Williams.
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by Jill Tietjen | Sep 1, 2012 | In The News, Kalon Women Magazine
As we think about women and their friendships during the month of September, we are drawn to the thought that
women change the world through their networks of friends and acquaintances. Five women who changed the world met in Waterloo, New York and decided to hold the first Women’s Right Convention. As a result of that convention (held in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19-20, 1848 at the Wesleyan Chapel), and many years of effort by them and by others, today women have the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to an education, and the right to custody of the children in the case of a divorce.
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by Jill Tietjen | Aug 1, 2012 | In The News, Newsletters
Check out! Girl Scouts of the USA, in cooperation with the authors of Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America, has posted the initial entries into their Inspiring Women Timeline. Many of the women featured are profiled in our book, starts in 1587, and profiles amazing women of the 21st century. Here is just a sample.
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