Mentoring – Kalon Women January 2012 Issue

Do you know that the Greek goddess Athena took the name of ‘Mentor’ when she provided guidance thousands of years ago?  Today, you don’t need to be a goddess in order to be a mentor!  In fact, the dictionary defines a mentor as a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. The person with whom a mentor works – the protege or mentee – is someone who is looking to gain additional skills or knowledge. The mentee recognizes that a person with experience can help her achieve that goal. It may not surprise you to find out that mentoring has played a significant role for women who were looking to gain new expertise and understanding. In this month’s column, we highlight mentors Maria Mitchell, Florence Bascom, Ruth Fulton Benedict, and Ruth St. Denis.

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Tis the season! – Kalon Women December 2011 Issue

This time of year often provides us the opportunity to visit and break bread wth family and friends. The smell of turkey roasting! The aroma of the pies! What memories it brings back for many of us! This month we profile some of the women who have made possible those wonderful memories of safe and delicious food: Fannie Farmer, Mary Engle Pennington, Julia Child, Joyce Chen, and Alice Waters. 


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Tribal Leaders – December 2011 Newsletter

Native American women have left an important legacy of being strong leaders. When writing our book, we strived to find evidence of the early Native American women, to tell their stories. Sadly, many of their names have been lost to history; much of early Native American culture was an oral tradition. In this edition of our newsletter, we are proud to profile Nancy Ward, Sarah Winnemucca, Annie Dodge Wauneka, and Wilma Mankiller. These leaders literally fought in battle, fought for the rights of their people, and worked to make lives better for all.


Diabetes – Kalon Women November 2011 Issue

A study done by the Harvard School of Public Health and published in the New England Journal of Medicine found Kalon Women - November 2011 - Diabetes_Page_1that being overweight and obese was the single most important risk factor that predicated who would develop type 2 diabetes. In this column, we profile Ellen Swallow Richards, an early advocate of a healthy lifestyle for women, Jenny Craig, who co-founded the weight loss and nutritional food company that bears her name, and Bernadine Healy, a cardiologist and the first woman to lead the National Institutes of Health.

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Thanksgiving is Coming – November 2011 Newsletter

During the month of November comes that veritable feast – a time to celebrate our blessings with family and friends. In this month’s newsletter, we highlight two women from our bestselling book Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who Changed America who made it possible for us to be confident about the storage conditions for the poultry that we eat and for making recipes that we can reproduce many times.

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