Women in Statuary Hall – December 2018 ENewsletter

National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C., contains 100 statues – two from each state. Of that total, nine (9%) are women – Helen Keller (Alabama), Dr. Florence Sabin (Colorado), Frances Willard (Illinois), Maria Sanford (Minnesota), Jeannette Rankin (Montana), Sarah Winnemucca (Nevada), Sakakawea (North Dakota), Mother Joseph (Washington), and Esther Hobart Morris (Wyoming). In this month’s ENewsletter, we feature two of these outstanding women – Sakakawea and Sarah Winnemucca, both of whom have been inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.

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Nobel Laureates – November 2018 ENewsletter

November ENewsletter 

Nobel Laureates

Very exciting news came in October 2018 – women were going to share the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry and the Nobel Prize in Physics! Donna Strickland, one of the trio to be awarded the
2018 Nobel Prize in Physics works at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Her prize is being
awarded for discovering how to amplify the intensity of laser light in ever-briefer pulses. This work
paved the way for precision eye surgery and cancer therapy, among other advances. Dr.
Strickland becomes the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics since American Maria
Goeppert-Mayer in 1963. Fran Arnold will receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work on
the directed evolution of enzymes.

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