Her Story co-author, Charlotte S. Waisman, second from left —back row, while attending the Poepping Book Club in Evergreen, Colorado.
Women throughout U.S. history pioneered causes, led social movements, and changed the culture and economy of the U.S. The book club discussion guidelines we have developed help to focus your book club discussions. We have suggested several different ways that you might examine women’s accomplishments from different perspectives. Whether you chose to use any of the sample guidelines, or manage your session in another way, one of the co-authors would be pleased to speak with your book club by calling in during the time that you meet. Let us know what your book club’s interests are. Contact Pam McNish, Scheduling and Events Manager, at pam.herstory@gmail.com to make the arrangements. There is no fee for this opportunity; we are pleased to help you enrich your experience with our book.

Her Story co-author, Jill S. Tietjen (fourth from right), at a book club appearance in San Luis Obispo, California.
Book Club – Discussion Guides
For your convenience, we have prepared discussion guides (PDF Format) to facilitate your group’s interaction about Her Story.
Just click on the guideline of interest to download: